Look Good Feel Better
Helping to improve the quality of life for women living with cancer.
‘Look Good Feel Better’ is a free programme founded and supported by member of the cosmetic industry which provide cancer patients with two-hour workshops. The sessions are facilitated by volunteer beauticians who take patients through a 12 step make-up and beauty programme designed to combat the side effects of their cancer treatment.
Clinical research has confirmed that many women feel much better if they take care of their appearance during illness.
Workshops are held at Luton & Dunstable Hospital and everyone taking part receives a gift box of cosmetics worth over £100.
Many of our members have attended these workshops and, without exception, have come away feeling so much better for having been pampered and feeling good about themselves.
Don’t miss the opportunity. If you have not attended one of these workshops and would like to, put your name down as soon as possible to avoid having to wait too long. Contact Di Gonse or any other committee member.
More information is available on the LGFB website.